

Take Your Prototype To the World

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It was a pleasure to host Nathan from Kickstarter to talk about talk about successful crowdfunding campaigns that had come out of Japan.

The talk covered planning your campaign, building your prototype, communicating with your audience and building a community. We also got to see a huge range of successfully crowdfunded products from Japan including floating bonsai trees and miniature calipers you can keep in your wallet.

The main talk was followed by a lively Q&A. Many makers in the Engineer Cafe community are worried about their English level. Nathan shared some tips on how to show off your project with video clips and demos to bridge the language barrier. We also explored the types of products that are possible on the platform including items in the fitness and wellness space.

Right now we’re planning a series of events to support makers building prototypes and products, with the final goal of being able to join in with the Make 100 campaign on Kickstarter in January.